Whoever you are, whoever you love, you are welcome here.

Support Trinity
Donation Options to Support Trinity
Canada Helps
Click on the button to donate to Trinity via Canada Helps
‘Pre-Authorized Remittance’ is an excellent way to support Trinity with regular donations. Contact the church office and ask to go on PAR. Once you submit the confidential form, the designated funds will be automatically withdrawn from your account monthly. This provides Trinity with the most budgeting stability.
Sunday Worship Offering
As you enter Trinity for Sunday Worship, you will find offering plates in the Narthex and the hallway by the office. Please place your offering on the plate. The offering will be received and blessed during the service. Trinity is grateful for your support.
Please contact the office for the specific e-transfer email address.
Memorial Bequests
Year after year, many of us have responded to the love of God by investing our time, energies, and weekly offerings so that Trinity United Church can offer worship, learning opportunities, Christian fellowship, and service. Far more than a dutiful response, this has been an act of love. God has blessed us with a heritage of faith that gives us a vision of a vital church that goes beyond our own lifetimes.
Our resources reflect our values and also shape our commitments. Once our basic needs are met, our spending becomes a statement of who we are, of what is in our hearts. This can be regular givings or take the form of a particular gift, such as an endowment, a gift of life insurance, a transfer of investments, or the buying of a United Church Annuity.
Our values, our faith, and our life commitments are also reflected by our Wills. We know Jesus’ words ring true: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) Our Wills, in addition to showing concern for family and others whom we love, gives us an opportunity to reflect our faith and hope for the future of the Christian community. Please consider designating a percentage of your Estate to Trinity.
Designation of Your Funds
Your special gifts, your bequest, or your gift of funds through your Will can be designated as follows:
Vision Fund: undesignated bequests or gifts used at the discretion of the Board of Managers
Building Fund: for projects such as roofs, boilers, upgrades, and renovations.
Program and Ministry Fund: ongoing support for these aspects of Trinity’s work and support for new initiatives, programs, and equipment.
We encourage bequests, endowments and memorial gifts. We hope these Funds, listed above, will be helpful to this purpose as you choose where your money will go and for what purpose it will be used.
Speak to a member of the Board of Trustees or contact the office for more information.