Whoever you are, whoever you love, you are welcome here.


Presently, Trinity’s ‘pop-up’ Choir leads in the singing of congregational hymns and prepares special anthems once a month. The music leader, Kimberly Hanmer, informs those interested in singing with the choir which Sunday the choir will lead worship music and when the two practices will be. Those who are able to come to the practice(s) and the scheduled Sunday. This means the commitment is short, and it enables more people to participate.
The choristers have a visible love for music in the church, which they uphold with their ministry here at Trinity. Members are enjoying these ‘pockets’ of practices and commitments, and the size of the choir has grown to over 20 voices.
Practices are relaxed, and there is much fun and laughter in the learning of new music. If you enjoy singing, you are welcome to join in as your time permits. Contact the church office for times.