Whoever you are, whoever you love, you are welcome here.
These are some of the groups that have formed to facilitate the wide variety of activities at Trinity. Contact the church office for more information.
Barb's Bunch
This group of women who share a love of quilting and hand sewing meet in the Fellowship Room on many Mondays. Contact Barb Tomlinson or the office for more information.
Bible Study
At various times throughout the year, participants gather with Donalee to explore the lectionary selections or specific books of the Bible. Additionally, discussion groups for other books of interest and significance are held from time to time. Contact Rev. Donalee or the office for more information.
A weekly game of bridge is held on Mondays from 1-3 PM in Memory Hall. Beginners are welcome! For more information, please call Sue Wetmore at 905-945-8132.
Church School
Church School is offered one Sunday a month. An email is sent to each family confirming the date. All children from JK to Grade 12 are welcome. Contact the office to have your name added to the mailing list.
Knitters and Crocheters
All are welcome to come knit, crochet, and join in the lively conversation on alternate Friday afternoons, from 1-3 PM, in the Fellowship room. Projects may include blankets, hats, mittens, shawls, and other items needed in the community. There is an abundance of yarn available!
Men's Activity Mornings
Every Tuesday morning, from 9-11 AM, you are invited to come for some friendship, pickleball for beginners, and coffee. Please contact Ken Estabrooks 905-309-3177 or Ken Pettigrew 905-945-0364 for further details.
Music Groups
For a description of the different music groups at Trinity—Choir, Handbells, Resurrection Band, and Ukuleles—see the page on Music.
Pastoral Care Team
Five lay people, trained at Five Oaks, walk with those in need of comfort and support. They will listen, and all conversations are confidential. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact the church office.
Enjoy a game Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, 9 -11 AM. Contact Marilyn at 905-945-5947 to check availability of players. 2024 the membership is full.
Social Action
This group oversees and encourages support to numerous local and international charities, initiatives, and organizations including among others: Amnesty International, Angola Scholarship Fund, Canadian Food Grains Bank, Cave Springs Camp, FORT, Gillian’s Place West Niagara, Grimsby Benevolent Fund, Habitat for Humanity Niagara, Migrant Farmworkers Project, Nations Uniting, Wesley Urban Ministries, and the United Church Mission & Service Fund. If any of these are of interest to you, or you would like to be part of this outreach group, please contact the church office.
Women's Groups
Trinity has one woman’s group that provides its own program and supports different outreach groups.
The Elizabeth Friendship Group
The Elizabeth Friendship Group meets on the first Tuesday of the month. They gather at 7:00 PM in the Fellowship Room.
Early in December, the women organize a Christmas dinner, which is catered and includes entertainment. All women are welcome to join together for this event. Tickets are available at the church office.
Youth Group
The youth from Trinity and St. John’s Presbyterian gather at a different location each month. They decide this when they meet, and an email is sent out to confirm the time, date, and location. Contact the church office to have your name added to the mailing list.